In the picturesque town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, nestled amidst the charming streets and lush vineyards, lies the beautiful place: Pillar and Post Vintage Hotel. This wedding venue is a haven for timeless romance and elegant celebrations. For our couple, E&D, this historic location meant more than just a nice place: the bride's parents got married here years ago. That was just one more reason why Pillar and Post became the perfect location for E&D's dream wedding day.
It was not the first time we captured a wedding at Pillar and Post, one of the most popular Niagara-on-the-Lake wedding venues. While taking E&D's engagement photos, it was crystal-clear just how deeply these two young people adore each other. The palpable passion between them left no doubt in our minds that something truly magical would unfold on their special day. From the moment we stepped foot onto the cobblestone pathways of Pillar and Post, we had that feeling that we would remember that fall wedding day for a long time.
E&D had a vision for their wedding day at Pillar and Post: they decided their ceremony would take place in the kush garden and for the following reception they chose Pillar and Post barn. Although, bride's relatives recommended moving the ceremony inside due to really harsh rain outside, the bride decided to take a risk and no matter the weather followed her plan: arrange an outdoor wedding ceremony at Pillar and Post.
And just like that, near 15 minutes before the ceremony, the rain accidentally stopped and the skies gifted the couple with golden beams of fall sun. Wasn't it a miracle? E&D wedding ceremony was full of candid moments: from the happy smile on the groom's face seeing the bride walking down the island to the bride's parents, holding hands together and looking each other eyes with so much love and admiration. The Pillar and Post's serene garden provided a romantic setting for heartfelt promises, happy smiles, and stolen glance which we could save through wedding photographs.
And of course, no wedding at Pillar and Post would be complete without a walk through the one of Vintage Hotel's charming grounds for taking the iconic Pillar and Post wedding photos. E&D posed so effortlessly for timeless wedding portraits I bet they would cherish for many years. At the same time, at the Pillar and Post barn, guests enjoyed the drinks and entrees. There was an atmosphere of pure joy and celebration everywhere at Pillar and Post.
At the end of the evening, everyone gathered on the dance floor. E&D's wedding at Pillar and Post had been everything the couple had ever dreamed of and more - a celebration of love, laughter, and the beginning of their happily ever after.